- Format: Ms Word Document
- Pages: 75
- Price: N 3,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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1.1 Background of the Study
Ibiono Ibom Local Governments Area is one of the thirty one local Government areas in Akwa Ibom State. The major occupation of the inhabitants is farming and trading and this makes them view the education of their female children as irrelevant but rather, female should help their parents in domestic work so that they can be good house wives in future.
In Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area It is also observed that parents pay little or no attention to the education of their female children. Education is the total process through which an individual acquires knowledge, skills and abilities to enable him or her contribute positively towards the meaningful development of the society. It is also an individual’s opportunity for employment earning and status. An access to education is one key opportunity and should be made available not to male but also to females.
In recent times, women in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area have strived to gain places in almost all professions using education as a propagating instrument. Despite their contributions to societal attitudes, parents have not completely changed to granting female equal educational rights as males. Therefore, the attitude of parents towards the education to female students in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State is of great concern to the researcher and should be revised to involve females National Development.
According to Adaralegbe A (2002) females are not to be restricted from education in any way. He also stated that time is coming when women will be in power. Adeyemi J. A (2001) also emphasized on the education of females in one of his books promoting females education analysis, University press Ltd, pg 117.
Research has determined that parental attribute and support has a great deal of influence on girl’s participation and level of success attained in education. Parents attitudes are mainly influenced by traditional beliefs regarding the ideal roles of women and girls in society. Traditionally, the only roles available to women were those of wives and mother. They were thus seen as nurturers and mainly as providing support for men who worked to provide for the family. Being physically weaker, women were therefore also perceived as being less capable and requiring the protection and guidance of men. These attitude have prevailed even in current times when socio-economic changes have resulted in changing the roles women are now expected to undertake. Socio-economic changes has made education necessary that not just for the purpose of providing income earning opportunities, but also for the potential to contribute to the improvement in the standards of living of individuals, families and communities. This traditional belief has been to foster negative attitude which limit family and community support for girls education. Identifications and examination of these attitudes is necessary before any decisions can be made on what should and can be done to bring about change. However, it is an indisputable fact that without parents support, any efforts to improves girl participation in education will be greatly hampered.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In most family, the boys seem to be more valuable to the parents than the girls. As a result of this, the researcher deems as the problem of his study to examine the attitudes of parents towards the girl child education.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
This research aimed at investigating the parental influence on girl child education taking Ibiono Ibom local, Government Area as a case study.
Specifically, the researcher sought to find out if
(1) There is any significant influence of parent on girl child education.
(2) Parental background is responsible for the influence of girl child education.
(3) Governments significantly influence academic performance of girl’s children.
(4) Perception of academic performance significantly has difference between male and female students.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were posed to guide the study.
1. Is there any significant influence of sex on the academic performance of a girl?
2. How does parental background influence or constitute a factor responsible for the influence of parent on the girl child education?
3. Does government significantly influence academic performance of girl children than boys?
4. How does perception of academic performance significantly differ between male and female students based on interest?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
In view of the problem posed on this subjected matter, the following hypotheses are proposed to helped in the investigation.
1. There is no significant influence of sex on the academic performance of girl students.
2. Parental background does not exert any significant influence on the girl child education.
3. Government has no significant influence in academic performance of girl’s students.
4. Perception of academic performance has no significant different between male and female students based on interest.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This research is considered important especially in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State because it will help to develop in parents positives attitude towards the education of their female children realizing the educated today; if with help parents to contribute positively to the development of the society and inculcate in their future generations right attitudes that will make them fit in with the present norms of the society. It will also create awareness to the parents on the need to view education of their female children as obligations that must be fulfilled.
1.7 Scope/Delimitation of the Study
Despite many other factors militating against optimal academic achievement of girl students, the scope of the study was narrowed to the following areas. Effects of gender, parental background, government, perception of students on the academic performance of girl child.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
This is a survey research where the researcher has no power to alter any of the variables as such the data collected from the field was organized and analyzed as raw as collected.
To that end, the authenticity of the findings depends on the correctiveness of the response of respondents.