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The study was conducted to assess the adequacy of business studies curriculum implementation on students‟ skill acquisition in the secondary schools in Yobe State, Nigeria.

The study was necessitated by the continuous increase in the rate of unemployment of secondary school leavers in the state which was resultingto high rate of insecurity in the state.  Four research questions were raised for the study, while four null hypotheses were drawn, and tested at 0.05 level of significance.The entire population of 116 respondents were used as the sample of the study.  Weighted Mean was used to answer the research questions.  The Weighted mean of 2.5 and above was used as benchmark for agree while weighted mean of less than 2.5 represented disagree category.  Simple Regression was used to test all the null hypotheses. The study revealed among others that adequate qualified business studies teachers had significant influence on students‟ skills acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State.  Based on these findings, the study concluded that the students in secondary schools in Yobe State could not acquire appropriate knowledge, skills and competences in business studies as a result of inadequate qualified teachers, inappropriate teaching methodology and inappropriate teaching and learning facilities.  In line with the conclusion, the study recommended among others that the schools administration should recruit adequate qualified business studies teachers and encourage teachers to employ appropriate teaching methodology and facilities to teach business studies in secondary schools in Yobe State so that the students will be able to acquire the desired knowledge, skills and competences to enable them to be employed and/or self-employed.



Cover Page i Title Page      ii Approval Page         ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Declaration                                                                                                                                 iv

Certification                                                                                                                            v

Acknowledgements             vi Table of Contents   vii

Lists of Tables                                                                                                                     viii

List of Appendices                                                                                                                ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                   x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION     1

1.1      Background to the Study                                                                                             1

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                                                                            3

1.3      Objectives of the Study                                                                                                3

1.4      Research Questions                                                                                                     4

1.5      Research Hypotheses                                                                                                   5

1.6      Significance of the Study                                                                                             5

1.7      Basic Assumptions for the Study       6 1.8    Delimitation of the Study       6

     CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                         8

2.1      Theoretical Framework          8 2.2    Conceptof Curriculum            10

2.3      Concept of Business Studies                                                                                     13

2.4      Objectives of Business Studies                                                                                  15

2.5      Business Studies Curriculum Planning                                                                     18

2.6      Business Studies Curriculum Content and Skill Acquisition                                    19

2.7      Challenges of Business Studies Curriculum Implementation                                   23

2.8      Review of Related Empirical Studies                                                                        28

2.9 Summary of Reviewed Literature         34 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY         36

3.1      Research Design                                                                                                        36

3.2      Population for the Study                                                                                            37

3.3      Sample Size and Sampling Procedure                                                                       37

3.4      Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                  37

3.4.1 Validity of Research Instrument                                                                                 38

3.4.2 Pilot Study                                                                                                                  38

3.4.3 Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                       39

3.5 Procedure for Data Collection 39 3.6 Procedure for Data Analysis    40

     CHAPTER FOUR: PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA                           41

4.1      Analysis of Demographic Characteristics of Respondents                                        41

Characteristics of Respondents by Gender                                                                       41

Characteristics of Respondents by Highest Qualification Obtained                                 42

Characteristics of Respondents by Years of Experience                                                  42

4.2      Analysis of Research Questions                                                                                42

Research Question One                                                                                                     42

Research Question Two 45 Research Question Three   47

Research Question Four                                                                                                    49

4.3 Test of Hypotheses       50 Null Hypothesis One         50

Null Hypothesis Two      51 Null Hypothesis Three       52

Null Hypothesis Four                                                                                                        52

4.4      Discussion of Major Findings                                                                                   53


5.1      Summary                                                                                                                   55

5.2            Contribution to Knowledge                                                                                                                       56

5.3      Conclusion                                                                                                                 56

5.4      Recommendations                                                                                                     57

5.5      Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                                 57

REFERENCES                                                                                                                     58

     APPENDICES                                                                                                                      62


Table                                                                                                                                    Page

3.1       Population for the Study                                                                                             37

4.1.1 Characteristics of Respondents by Gender                                                                    41

4.1.2 Characteristics of Respondents by highest qualification obtained                                42

4.1.3 Characteristics of Respondents by years of experience                                                 42

4.2.1                Respondents‟ opinions on the influence of adequate Business Studies

Teachers‟ on Students‟ Skills Acquisition in Secondary School in

Yobe State                                                                                                       43

4.2.2                Respondents‟ opinions on the influence of teaching methods on

business studies students skills acquisition in secondary schools in

Yobe State.                                                                                                      45

4.2.3                Respondents‟ opinion on the influence of Teaching Facilities on

Students Skills Acquisition in Secondary Schools in Yobe state.                 47

4.2.4                Respondents‟ opinions on the influence of teaching experience on

Students Skills Acquisition in Secondary Schools in Yobe state                   49

4.3.1                Summary of Simple Regression on the Influence of Adequate

qualified teachers on Students‟ Skill Acquisition in Secondary

Schools in Yobe State                                                                                     50


4.3.2                Summary of Simple Regression on the Influence of Teaching method

on students‟ Skills Acquisition in Secondary Schools in Yobe State            51

4.3.3                Summary of Simple Regression Analysis on the Influence of Teaching

Facilities on Students‟ Skills Acquisition in Secondary Schools in

Yobe State                                                                                                       52

4.3.4                Summary of Simple Regressionon Analysis on the Influence of

Teachers‟ Experience on Students Skill Acquisition in Secondary

School in Yobe State                                                                                      52



Background to the Study

Business Studies offer at junior secondary schools level in Nigeria contribute significantly to the national development and economic growth. It is aimed at providing the recipients with the needed skills and competence for employment and self-reliance. This is perhaps, the reason for its recognition in the revised National Policy on Education (1981). Business Studies consists of learning activities in relation to shorthand, commerce, keyboarding, office practice, book keeping and computer education.  Business studies  in secondary schools  provides the students with the knowledge, skills, understandings and attitudes needed to fit into office occupation and the world of business. This implies that business studies has a propensity of making one pre-occupied with all that has been learnt while in school in order to earn a living in the face of unemployment.

Curriculum is the totality of activities carried out under the auspices of a school in response to societal demands. It consists of a continuous chain of activities necessary for translating educational goals into concrete activities, materials and observable behavioral change.Curriculum of any school is designed for the purpose of bringing about changes in the behavior of the pupils as well as developing their knowledge, skills and competences.Curriculum is the planned learning for the guidance of the school authority. The learning is carried out in group or individually either inside or outside the school.The focus of a school curriculum is usually the learner, the learning process and the target or expected transformation from the state of ignorance to that of knowledge, from unskilled to skilled, from thoughtlessness to positive and innovative or creative thinking. In other words, the major objective of school curriculum is to develop and direct management of human skills and competences to stand the test of societal changes in the process of producing needed goods and services. It is based on this that business studies are embedded into the curriculum of secondary schools.

Business studies curriculum is the secondary school curriculum that contains the teaching and learning of shorthand, office practice, keyboarding, book-keeping, computer to develop the knowledge, competences and skills of secondary school students for employment or self- employment. According to Ehimetalor, Osu-Nwufo, Makeri&Oladunoye (2009)  assert that as a developing country, Nigeria stands to benefit more from this arm of education if adequate attention is given to the formulation of business studies curriculum at secondary school levels.Osuala (2004) reports that business studies curriculum content if properly developed and adequately delivered, opens a wide opportunity for people, and holds the key to Nigeria to become technologically relevant, internationally competitive, economically prosperous and even politically stable

The Nigerian business studiescurriculum in secondary schoolswas designed with rich contents by experts to help impart into the students the necessary knowledge, creative ability, skills and competences required to be productive member of the society. However, the basic problem as observed by the researcher was that these skills and competencesneeded by students for employment and self-employment have been inadequately imparted into the students by their teachers.   This may be as a result of inadequate qualification of teachers, teachers‟ teaching experiences, inappropriate teaching methodology and inadequate computers. Thiswas further observed to have increased the rate of unemployment, poverty and other evil vices in our


It was based on this background that the researcher conductedthis study to assess the adequacy of business studies curriculum implementation on students‟ skill acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The importance of skill acquisition through business studies curriculum implementation for national growth, and in reducing Nigeria‟s social and economic problems cannot be overemphasized. The relevance can only be visible if students are given adequate vocational training in skills, knowledge and competence at all levels of education without jobs, while there are many jobs without qualified and capable hands.This is because, achieving the objectives of business studies curriculum in Yobe state secondary schools has continued to be bedeviled by lots of problems  ranging from the provision of adequate qualified teachers, appropriate teaching methodology, facilities, and experienced teachers to teach business studies.

It is on the basis of this background that this study was conducted to assess the adequacy of business studies curriculum implementation on students‟ skill acquisition at secondary schools in Yobe State.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this studywas to assess the adequacy of business studies curriculum implementationon students‟ skill acquisition insecondary schools in Yobe State

The specific objectives were to;

  1. determine the influence ofadequate qualified teachers  on  business studies students‟ skill acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State.
  2. determine the influence of appropriate teaching method on business studies students‟ skills acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State.
  3. ascertain the influence adequate facilities on business studies students‟ skills

acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe state.

  1. examine the influence of teachers‟ experience on business studies students‟ skills in secondary schools in Yobe State.

                1.4       Research Questions

Based on the specific objectives, the following research questions were raised.

  1. what is the influence of qualified teachers on business studies students‟ Skill acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State?
  2. what is the influence of teaching method on business studies students‟ skill acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State?
  3. what is the influence of teaching facilities on business studies students‟ skills

acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State?

  1. what is the influence of teachers‟ experience on business studies students‟ skills acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State?

1.5        Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following null hypotheses for the study were postulated:

  1. There is no significant influence of adequate qualified teachers on business studies students‟ Skill acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State.
  2. There is no significant influenceof teaching method on business studies students‟ skill acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State.
  3. There is no significant influence ofteaching facilities on business studies students‟

skills acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State?

  1. There is no significant influence of teachers‟ experience ofbusiness studies students‟ skills acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State?

1.6       Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of immense benefit to the following stakeholders; students, teachers, schools and government of Yobe State respectively

The findings of this study will enable secondary schools students to be imparted with the appropriate skills and competences needed to be employed and/or self-employed. This will go a long way to reduce unemployment and poverty among the teeming youths, especially in Yobe State.

The findings of this study will help teachers to identify the appropriate methodology to teach business studies so as to impart the appropriate and needed skill and competences to the students.  The will help the student to secure employment with the skills or they shall be selfemployed.The findings will further provide direction for business teachers at the JSS level for better improvement of students‟ performance in the classroom.

The findings of the study will help the school administration to be able to employ adequate qualified teachers to teach business studies in the secondary schools.If adequate qualified teachers are employed, the right skills shall be imparted into the students accordingly.

The state government shall also benefit from the findings of this study.  As adequate and needed skills are imparted into the students, many shall be employed and some of the students shall be self-employed.  This will consequently reduce unemployment and alleviate poverty among the teeming youths in the state.  This will go a long way to reduce evil vices in the state.Through the outcome of this study, government will understand the level of shortage of equipment and facilities which have contributed in no small measure in preventing the attainment of business studies objectives, and so provide all necessary input to make the delivery of the subject a success.

1.7       Basic Assumptions for the Study

The study assumed that:

  1. adequate qualified teachers in business studies will enhance skill acquisition among secondary school students in Yobe State
  2. appropriate teaching method will influence students skill acquisition in business studies in secondary schools in Yobe State.
  3. adequate teaching facilities will influence students skills acquisition in business studies in secondary schools in Yobe State.

1.8       Delimitation of the Study

                                This research studywas delimited toassessing how business studies curriculum

implementation enhances students‟ skill acquisition in secondary schools in Yobe State. It covers 56public secondary schools drawn fromDamaturu, Fika, Gujba, Nguru and Machina for security reason. It was further delimited tobusiness studies teachers in public secondary schools in Yobe

State.  The reason for the choice of these secondary schools was aimed at ensuring similar environmental conditions and ensuring a level playing ground for the respondents. The respondents in these secondary schools were delimited to business studies teachers.



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