Visual acuity in university students in port harcourt.

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This study was conducted to assess Visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt. The study was conducted by adopting cross sectional design. 150 among students in Port Harcourt. Who have fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected by using non probability purposive sampling technique. In this study, by using Snellen’s chart, the low visual acuity were assessed among students in Port Harcourt and questionnaire determining influencing factors were asked to mother by interview methods. Analysis revealed that the 150 among students in Port Harcourt had mild vision loss, Among which 107(71.34%) had the scale of 6/9 in both eyes, 35(23.33%) had the scale of 6/12 in both eyes, 8(5.33%) had the scale of 6/18 in both eyes. And the association of low visual acuity with influencing factor were environmental such as hours of spending home work,hours of watching television and vitamin A deficiency factors such as taking vegetables like carrot and pumpkin. Hence the pamphlets of vision loss were distributed to the parents of  children. Effective method of vision screening in among students in Port Harcourt are useful in detecting corrective causes of decreased vision and equip the mothers with knowledge and practice to promote normal vision among students in Port Harcourt.





The eyes play vital roles in our lives, and are perhaps the most important gift we have from God. Human beings, biologically, possess five major sense organs which enable them to adapt to the environment where they live and operate (Chika et al 2016). Vision is the ability to interpret information in the surroundings, from the effects of visible light reaching the eye (Peter 2009). Visual acuity is a measure of the spatial resolution of the visual processing system. It is tested by requiring the person whose vision is being measured to identity characters like letters or numbers from a set distance using various measurement technique (Lisa et al 2012).

Undetected or under corrected disorder of visual acuity are known to affect the learning abilities of school children. This can adversely affect a child’s learning, health, education needs and socio-economic status for life. Impairment in vision, if not corrected gets worsened with time, and might result in blindness (Okoro & Adepemi 2013). The rising cases of visual impairment, and its’ related complications can be attributable to improper use of eyeglasses, and inadequate knowledge of its risk factors (ibid 2013). Through the process of visual acuity testing, defective school children can be identified, and necessary adjustments effected in such areas, as their sitting arrangements in the classroom, teaching methods, instructional materials in use, and health care services offered to them (Parikishit 2009). Therefore, it is pertinent, to determine the visual acuity status of school children, for early detection and treatment of visual impairment.


In developing countries like Nigeria, routine eye screening examinations are rarely conducted especially for children. Therefore, early detection and treatment of its potential negative effects on a child’s education and development becomes difficult. Hence, this study intends to examine Visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt.



According to Friend (2008), pupils with low vision  experience difficulty in performing daily tasks involving the use of sight and need to use large print for reading, strong magnifying devices and other adaptations. Some pupils with low vision may also learn to read braille and use tactile and auditory channels to complete tasks. Koeing and Holbrook (2000) postulated that 90% of individuals with vision loss have limited vision and just 10% are functionally blind. Pupils with low vision are often disregarded in the majority of individuals who are visually impaired.

Hence, pupils with low vision require direct instruction in literacy, visual efficiency, accessing the core curriculum and compensatory skills (Koeing & Holbrook, 2000). As a result of the aforementioned problems, this study was carried out to determine Visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt.


The research questions to be addressed in this study include:

  1. To what extent is there low level of visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt?
  2. What are the influencing factors of low visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt?.




The general objective of this study was to assess Visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt. The specific objectives include;

  1. To assess the demographic variables of respondents with visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt
  2. To assess the low visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt.
  3. To assess the influencing factors of low visual acuity among students in Port Harcourt.



This study will create a general enlightenment and awareness of childhood eye problems and the need for vision screening, amongst school teachers and their pupils. More importantly, it will help reduce the impact of visual disabilities in children, through efficient and early detection, by their school teachers.

It will also highlight the need and usefulness of inter-sectoral collaboration and co-operation between the Health and Education department at all levels of government, with special emphasis on screening services for school children; if the current effort to reactivate the school health program in the country is to be successful.


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