A Stylistic Analysis Of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichieâ The Thing Around Your Neck

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A Stylistic Analysis Of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichieâ The Thing Around Your Neck


Stylistics is the study and interpretation of texts from a linguistic and literary perspectives. This work was done to examine the basic linguistic features that have been used by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in The Thing Around Your Neck to pass some messages across to the readers and the society.Stylistic Analysis A functional approach was adopted, an approach where particular note is taken of the stylistic function, effect and thematic significance of linguistic features in a literary text. The stylistics tools employed were morphology, graphology, phonology, syntax, lexico-semantics and point of view.Stylistic Analysis After applying these tools the novel, it was discovered that language is an integral part of any work of art and that the success of a work depends on how the writer has been able to manipulate language. Adichie had effected changes through a systemic use of language which helped a better understanding of her work.Stylistic Analysis



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