- Format: Ms Word Document
- Pages: 75
- Price: N 3,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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An organization has set goals to attain. Attainment of such goals depends on a number of factors. One of such factors is the management principles. School is an organization changed with instruction, administration and counseling services. There are some leaders in some organization (school inclusive) who see their positions or opportunity for them to victimize their subordinates, suppress them or use the opportunity to pursue their selfish goals instead of affective suspension for the attainment set goals in the overall interest of the organization. Some of such leaders use authoritarian supervisory behaviours Nnabud, Oronie, Nweduduh and Uche in Umoren (2013) opined that such supervisory behaviour make the leader to remain aloof and use orders without consulting in directing the group activities. Under this kind of leadership, the subordinates have little or no freedom to make suggestions. Nnabud, Oronie, Nweduduh and Uche further added that the autocratic supervisor is not prepared to bend procedure to accommodation even peculiar needs of the people. Workers in such organization engage in eye service and neglect their work in the absence of the administrator.
Some administrators on the other hands adopt democratic supervisory behaviours. It is observed in such organization, evidence of consultation between the administrators and the workers. In most cases, such leaders delegate duties to their subordinates. Ukeje, Akubogu and Alice (1991) maintained that administrators with such dispositions allow suggestions and group discussions in which he plays an active role. Such administrators does not use force but every member of the organization sees the need for work to continue based on personnel commitment whether the leader is there or not. Decision making process is participative.
Situations are also observed whereby some administrators show total non-committed attitude to the progress of their organization some organizations collapsed, a bankruptcy or experience failures because of the laissez-failure supervisory behaviour of their leaders. The leaders in these types of organizations, often gives instructions on task to be performed and thereafter remained completely passive. This type of leader does not care about the progress of the organization, nor does be care about rules and regulations. In some of such organizations jobs are left uncompleted at the end of the day.
Educational administration is the organization and coordination of efforts of individuals to perform as well as harnessing other resources in the school for the general attainment of the school’s objective (Ukeje, 1905) principal is the leader (supervisor) and service personnel of the secondary school. He has teachers and students to supervise for affective teaching and learning attainment. The principal is also changed with the management of school’s physical resources. When the right organizational climate is created, it will enhance affective discipline where teachers and students will show positive attitude to teaching and learning. In organization supervision, there are set of forces, the forces of the leader, forces in the subordinates and forces in the situation. The principal should consider these forces before choosing the appropriate supervisory behaviours.
This work examined the influence of organizational climate on the behaviour and attitude of teachers’ students as well as on the effective utilization of the physical resources of the school. The study used schools in Uyo Local Government area of Akwa Ibom State.
The relationship between the principal’s supervisory behaviours and the effective management of school resources has posed serious concern to stakeholders in the education sector, in view of the seeming declining performance among secondary school products to has been observed in some cases where some graduates of secondary schools cannot defend their certificates. Complaints are also made against some teachers’ poor attitude to work. In some secondary schools libraries science laboratories show no organizational structure. School buildings are dilapidated with no evidence of maintenance certainly; this type of teaching and learning environment is not conducive.
The problem of this study is investigate the relationship between the principals’ supervisory behaviours and the management of school resources. A case study is conducted in secondary school in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
The study sought to investigate the principal supervisory behaviours and the management school resources. Specifically, objectives are to examine whether:
1. Principals’ supervisory behaviour relates to management of teaching staff.
2. Principals’ supervisory behaviour relates to management of school physical resources, and
3. Principals’ supervisory behaviour relates to management of optimum learning environment and students’ study habits.
The following question were posed to guide the study
1. What is the relationship between the Principals’ supervisory behaviour relates to management of teaching staff?
2. What is the relationship between the principals’ supervisory behaviour relates to management of school physical resources?
3. What is the relationship between the principals’ supervisory behaviour relates to management of optimum learning environment and students’ study habits?
1. The principal supervisory behaviour will enhance effective management of school resources.
2. The increases teachers’ job performance by encouraging positive and respectful relationship among teachers’ creative collaboration environment and also identifying staff development needs and addressing such needs through appropriate professional learning opportunities.
3. The teachers of the secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area were the right source of information on management of school resources and supervisory behaviours adopted by the principals.
The principal supervisory behaviour and the management of school resources is a topical issue and as such the findings from this study should add to the already pool for reference purposes. The findings will also help principal as they will be guided to realize the extent their supervisory behaviours can influence their management of school resources. The findings of the study will also guide principals of schools to see the need for prudent management of resources.
The study was delimited to the examination of autocratic, democratic and laissez-failure supervisory behaviours of principals in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. It was delimited to only principals of public secondary school.